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Click to follow Farm to Neighbors farmers' market
从农场到邻人 (F2N)三周年庆
时间:2017年7月16日 12:00 - 18:00
地点 :北京市向阳 区东方东路19号官舍南区地下一层
*活动 免费 无需门票
Farm to Neighbors'
3 Year Anniversary Celebration
Date Time:July 16th, from 12 to 6pm
Location: Chaoyang Dt, Dongfang East Road #19
The Grand Summit South B1 (Below Baker Spice)
*Event is FREE
Anniversary Special Programs
认识 从农场到邻人 的朋侪 们肯定 对我们每周末的农夫 墟市 不陌生 ,我们经心 挑选了本地 的生产者,通过线下墟市 将他们编织成一个都会 “小而美”的舆图 。三周年到临 这天,我们也聚集 了浩繁 F2N好朋侪 们的力气 ,为各人 预备 了一个轻松、好玩又难忘的星期天下战书 。
Farm to Neighborshave been dedicated to organizing and curating farmers' markets in Beijing for the past three years. We carefully select the finest from numerous local producers to create a "small and beautiful" community consisted of friendly vendors, quality artisanal foods, safe product and unique handcrafts. To celebrate our Three Year Anniversary, we have gathered great talents from friends of F2N to bring about a relaxed, fun and memorable Sunday afternoon.
生日吃饺子是中国人的传统,农夫 墟市 上的跨栏农庄和黄楼院农场将用来自农场最奇怪 的食材为现场预备 荤素两种馅儿的饺子,欢迎 各人 来现包现吃!
Eating dumplings is a traditional way Chinese people celebrate birthdays. Kualaner Farmand HuangLouYuan Farm will bring a real farm-to-table experience by using their fresh produce to make all the dumplings for that day. Expect both meat and vegetarian varieties!
三和雨顺农庄不加任何调味的老式爆米花,吃了便停不了手,配上小农守艺家经心 熬制的乌梅汤,充足 酸爽又解渴。你可以在三周年墟市 上的F2N零食铺,探求 小时间 的味道。
The old-style popcorn from Sanhe Yushan Farm is made with fresh corn without any other ingredient, combined with the sour plum juice from Xiaonong Shouyi, which is the best drink to quench the summer thirst. Come to F2N Old Snack Barto be a child again!
为了支持墟市 推动零废弃理念,以上两个摊位我们将不提供一次性免费餐具,请记得带上小杯子和小碗儿来吃饺子、喝乌梅汤噢!
To support Farm to Neighbors' Zero Waste campaign, we will not provide free disposable wares on the above two stands. Please remember to bring your own cups and bowls to enjoy the dumplings and sour plum juice!
法国蓝调乐队:辣啡 French Blues Band: Le Rafiot
我们很高兴约请 到琴声悠扬的小提琴艺人、跳起方块舞特可爱的叔叔阿姨们,以及浪漫迷人的法国蓝调乐队辣啡在三周年活动 上为各人 带来出色 的演出(节目时候 表请见文末)。
We are pleased to welcome a well-known street performing violin artist, a super adorable squre dance group, and a up-and-coming new French band Le Rafiot, which plays eclectic music styles from blues to Andalusian-coloured rhythms, to perform live at the farmers' market (please see performance schedule below).
奇木图是一家专门制作手工陀螺的工匠品牌,水滴、松果、雨伞和各种外形 的陀螺在他们的手上都能轻松的转起来。但是,有一款秘密 的陀螺是少少 人能转起来的,就在三周年这天,奇木图来挑衅 各人 转动这款高难度的陀螺,转起来就能赢走大奖!
Qimutuis a handcrafter specializing in making whipping tops. Different shapes of whipping tops, such as water drops, pine nuts or umbrella-shaped can all spin effortlessly in Qimutu's hands. But there is one mysterious whipping topthat is impossible to spin. Qimutu invites you to take the challenge to spin the top. Whoever succeed will win a secret prize!
来自墟市 上40多家差别 商户的分享,总代价 高出 6000元的各种礼品 ,以每小时7-8件中奖率超高的方式抽出,法式奶酪礼包、传统手工米酒、手作樱桃木盘、羊毛毡胸针、农场蔬菜包...... 周末在墟市 上谁人 你中意好久 东西,很大概 就被你带回家!
怎样 参加 抽奖?
7月16日当天在墟市 上斲丧 恣意 金额,每个摊位可得到 抽奖券一张
Here comes the best part - lucky draw! Le Fromager de Pekin cheese box, a bottle of handmade rice wine, a hand-carved cherry wood plate, a handmade monkey brooch, or a basket of organically grown vegetables.... gifts from over 40 vendors, with a combined value over 6,000 RMB will be drawn every hour. You might just win something you have always wanted on the market!
How to enter Lucky Draw?
Get 1 lucky draw ticket from any amount of purchase from each vendor.
( There's total of 60 vendors available! )
12:00 -- 18:00
农夫 墟市 / Farmers' Market
12:00 -- 12:30
小提琴演出 / Vioin Performance
13:00 -- 13:15
墟市 先容 / About Farm to Neighbors
14:00 -- 14:30
转陀螺挑衅 / Whipping Top Contest
15:00 -- 15:30
国际方块舞 / Square Dancing
16:00 -- 16:15
法国辣啡乐队演出 / Le Rafiot Live Performance
17:00 -- 17:15
法国辣啡乐队演出 / Le Rafiot Live Performance
*每个节目竣事 后都抽奖
*Lucky draw after every program
图片来自:拍照 师王浩、雨然、stillair
戳下面链接相识 “F2N的故事”
Click the link below to know the story of F2N
举杯(cài)我们三岁了! Cheers to Farm to Neighbors turning three!
墟市 地点
Market Location
从农场到邻人 农夫 墟市
时间:每周末,中午12点-下战书 6点
地点 :东方东路19号,官舍南区地下一层
停车信息 :官舍靠东三环边上的地下停车场
Farm to Neighbors Farmers' Market
Time:Every weekend from 12:00 - 18:00
LOCATION: B1 Level of The Grand Summit(below Baker Spice).
SUBWAY:Liangmaqiao Subway Station Exit B
BUS: Yanshaqiao East or Yangshaqiao North Station
PARKING:The Grand Summit underground parking
我们笃信 ,在 「从农场到邻人 」农夫 墟市 上的每一颗菜,每一袋面包,每一块皂的背后,都有一个本心 莳植 、用心 制造的故事。在靠点击就能完成统统 的期间 ,我们致力于搭建一个不一样的平台,毗连 生存 中的人、真实的食品 与大天然 ,聚集拥有雷同 理念的参加 者,通过淳厚 的交谈 和朴拙 的分享引发 人与人之间最原始的感动,用面对 面的方式创建 生产者与斲丧 者之间信托 友爱 桥梁。
AtFarm to Neighbors, we strongly believe behind every head of lettuce, every jar of jam or every bar of soap on the farmers’ market, there is a story about cultivating and crafting with heart. In an age where everything is a finger tap away, we are dedicated to do things differently – to connect people, real food and nature through the most traditional and beautiful form of human interaction – meeting and sharing life experiences face to face.
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